Seguss’s CH Vito is the result of breeding Seguss’ Sniper to Fat Bill’s Black Baby. Whenever I make a breeding I’m looking to produce intense, hard-working dogs with athleticism. The Dirty Mary X Eli cross has been a proven cross for many years. Vito’s dam, Black Baby comes from a very solid family of honest dogs bred by none other than Mr. Gerald Clemmons & Bill Reynolds. It’s not often that I introduce new blood to my yard, so I wanted to make absolutely certain that whoever I introduced came from the source. More important than the pedigree is always who bred the dog and why.

Vito’s story is an interesting one as I have always knew he was built nice, but he wasn’t an overly outgoing dog in the show ring. For that reason, I never really showed him much. I had other dogs that I enjoyed showing more as they were more fun to handle in the ring. Some dogs are unimpressed with the show ring. It’s boring for them and they would rather be doing something else. Vito has always been one of those dogs.

               In the spring, I decided to bring Vito up off the bench, as G/C IV Lucio and CH Benelli were both getting some time off from the show circuit. In Vito’s first show he won a Best of Opposite trophy under judge Ty Garner. I realized that I could win with this dog even though he wasn’t overly outgoing in the show ring. I just needed to improve my handling! Our next show Vito took two Best of Shows under judges Noel Carrion and Eddie Santiago. He was on quite a roll now and his next show he won another Best of Show under judge Rodger Scott. He then moved up to the Champion class won the Champion of Champions Cup his first time in the Champion Class.

               I’m very proud of Vito. He is the epitome of what an honest bulldog should be. He has a great temperament and is a pleasure to own. He has pushed me to improve my handling and taught me that I can still win and have fun showing a dog that isn’t overly active in the show ring. I’d like to thank Bill Reynolds and Matthew Mrozewski for allowing me the opportunity to add Black Baby to my family of dogs. I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Vito.

Andrew Seguss
Andrew Seguss

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